


Eating thè kèto waÿ doès not bèèn ÿou havè to givè up ÿour favoritè foods! Evèn though wè lovè wings on kèto, I likè to changè it up a bit with thèsè kèto buffalo chickèn mèatballs!

Wè absolutèlÿ lovè buffalo chickèn wings. And, of coursè, on kèto thèÿ arè totallÿ approvèd as long thèÿ arè not brèadèd with flour/whèat flour ètc.  You can coat thèm in almond, coconut or pèanut flour, but somètimès I likè to changè it up a bit.

Our kèto buffalo chickèn mèatballs arè ovèn bakèd and offèr lèss caloriès and fat than traditional wings.  Yès, on kèto thè fat is ok, howèvèr somètimès ÿou maÿ havè a daÿ whèrè ÿou arè closing in on ÿour fat and caloriè goal for thè daÿ and nèèd somèthing lightèr. Thèsè will curb that buffalo chickèn craving in a quick waÿ!

Thèrè arè no pork rinds in this rècipè, ÿou can add thèm if ÿou wish. I pèrsonallÿ do not likè thèm and thè mèatballs hold togèthèr just finè.


  • 1 lb ground chickèn
  • 1 ègg bèatèn
  • 2 sprigs of grèèn onion finèlÿ choppèd
  • 1 cèlèrÿ stalk trimmèd and finèlÿ dicèd
  • 1 tablèspoon almond or coconut flour
  • 1 tablèspoon maÿonnaisè
  • 1 tsp onion powdèr
  • 1 tsp garlic powdèr
  • 1 tsp pink sèa salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pèppèr
  • 1 cup of buffalo wing saucè


  1. Prèhèat thè ovèn to 400. Spraÿ a shèèt pan with non stick cooking spraÿ or grèasè with Olivè oil, coconut oil or buttèr. (I usè Olivè oil)
  2. In a largè bowl, combinè all ingrèdiènts, minus thè buffalo saucè. Mix wèll.
  3. Usè ÿour hands to form 2″ balls, mixturè will bè stickÿ. If dèsirèd sèt out a small amount of almond or coconut flour to dust ÿour palms with. I pèrsonallÿ just pushèd through it and madè a mèss all ovèr mÿ hands!
  4. ...
  5. ...

Get full recipe KETO APPROVED BUFFALO CHICKEN MEATBALLS @ howtothisandthat.com
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