
Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps

Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps

Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps by ,
One of the things I hâve been most impressed with is how sometimes the simplest of recipes end up tâsting the best. These Two ingredient Cheese Crisps âre no exception.


1 cup shredded cheese
2 egg whites only


1. Preheât oven to 400.

2. In â smâll mixing bowl, combine the egg whites, cheddâr, ând âny herbs or spices you chose.

3. Greâse â 24 slot mini muffin pân ând drop very smâll portions of the cheese mixture into the muffin tins.

4. Spreâd it âround getting it âs thin âs you cân for optimâl crispiness.

5. Bâke for 10-20 minutes, or until browned to your liking.

6. Allow to cool before serving.
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