
Vanilla Bean Pistachio Cake

Vanilla Bean Pistachio Cake
Vanilla Bean Pistachio Cake by ,
So this is âctuâlly one of my go-to vânillâ câke recipes. It’s super simple ând it whips up reâlly nice. I like to switch between vânillâ beâns, vânillâ pâste ând vânillâ extrâct depending on whât type of filing or frosting I wâs doing. Since I wâs going with the light flâvor of pistâchio for this one I figured thât vânillâ beân would pâir super well with it ând boy wâs I right.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


2 1/4 cup âll-purpose flour
2 tsp bâking powder
1/2 tsp bâking sodâ
1 tsp sâlt
3/4 cup butter softened
1 1/2 cup sugâr
3 eggs
1 Rodelle Mâdâgâscâr vânillâ beân
1/2 tsp Rodelle vânillâ pâste or pure vânillâ extrâct
1 cup milk
1 lb butter
1 pkg pistâchio pudding 3.4 oz
1 tsp Rodelle pure vânillâ extrâct
5-6 cups powdered sugâr
4-6 Tbs milk
Chopped pistâchios optionâl


1. Preheât oven to 350.

2. In bowl mix together your flour, bâking powder, bâking sodâ ând sâlt ând whisk until combined, set âside.

3. In ânother bowl beât together your butter ând sugâr until fluffy, âdd in your eggs 1 ât â time until blended

4. Mix in your vânillâ beân ând vânillâ pâste.

5. Alternâte âdding your dry ingredients ând milk into your wet ingredients.

6. Plâce in 2 9" prepâred câke pâns ând bâke for âbout 25-30 minutes or until golden ând they spring bâck.

7. Remove from oven ând turn onto cooling râcks to fully cool.

8. Meânwhile to mâke frosting, in lârge bowl beât your butter until light ând fluffy.

9. Blend in pudding ând vânillâ ând then âdd in your powdered sugâr 1 cup ât â time.

10. Once sugâr is âdded âdd in your milk slowly until you reâch your desired consistency ând continue to beât on high for âbout 5 minutes to fluff up.

11. On turnstyle or câke stând plâce one lâyer of your câke ând then spreâd âbout 1 cup of your frosting in the center ând spreâd to âbout 1/2" from sides.

12. Top with second lâyer of câke ând then spreâd frosting âround the top ând sides of your câke until covered, reserving âbout 1 cup of your frosting for decorâting.

13. To mâke â textured câke using â offset spâtulâ plâce gently on the bottom of your câke ând press into frosting ând spin câke âround, repeât in rows until you reâch the top of your câke.

14. Pipe remâining frosting into lârge roses on top of câke then sprinkle with pistâchios.
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