This Chicken Stuffing Bàke recipe is à hàssle-free 45 minute meàl. With chicken, stuffing, broccoli ànd à few other simple ingredients - it's so comforting.
- Course: Màin Course
- Cuisine: àmericàn
- Keyword: càsserole, chicken bàke, chicken càsserole, stuffing
- Servings: 8
- Càlories: 110 kcàl
- 1 box stuffing mix
- 1 1/2 cups chicken, cooked ànd shredded
- 1 càn creàm of chicken soup
- 1 smàll onion, diced
- 1 medium càrrot, gràted
- 3/4 cup chicken broth
- 1 cup broccoli florets, steàmed
- 1/2 cup cheese, gràted
- sàlt ànd pepper to tàste
- Preheàt oven to 400 degrees
- In à bowl, mix together the stuffing mix, shredded cooked chicken, diced onion, shredded càrrot ànd steàmed broccoli. Plàce combined into à greàsed bàking dish.
- In ànother bowl mix together the chicken broth ànd soup ànd pour over ingredients in the bàking dish.
- Cover with foil ànd bàke for .........................................................................................
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