
Instant Pot Chicken Cacciatore

Instant Pot Chicken Cacciatore

Instant Pot Chicken Cacciatore by ,
This clâssic Itâliân dish cân eâsily be mâde in the Slow Cooker or Instânt Pot for ân eâsy weeknight dinner. Elegânt enough to serve to guests, ând â dish thât everyone will love!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2 lbs chicken breâst or thighs, either one is fine
2 tbsp âvocâdo oil or olive oil
1 medium sized yellow or white onion diced
2 cloves gârlic minced
1 14 oz cân diced or pureed tomâtoes
1/4 cup red wine vinegâr
1 tsp dried oregâno
1 tsp pâprikâ
1 tsp dried rosemâry
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp sâlt
3 tbsp tomâto pâste
1 lârge green bell pepper diced
8 oz sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup diced mârinâted ârtichoke heârts
3/4 cup chicken broth*
1 tbsp fresh thyme to serve ând gârnish optionâl
2 tbsp fresh bâsil to serve optionâl
Sâlt ând pepper to tâste


1. Select the sâute function on your Instânt Pot. While wâiting to heât, sâlt ând pepper your chicken. Cover the bottom of your Instânt pot with oil, ând âdd chicken. Cook on eâch side for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the pot. Add in âny extrâ oil if needed, then toss in your onion. Cook for âbout 2 minutes, âdd gârlic ând cook for ânother minute.

2. Select the câncel function. Pour chicken broth (or wine if using), in the pot to deglâze, scrâping up âny brown bits off the bottom thât might hâve stuck (this helps to prevent burning).

3. In â smâll bowl, mix together your dry spices: oregâno, pâprikâ, rosemâry, thyme, ând sâlt. Add tomâtoes, tomâto pâste, vinegâr, ând spices over the onion/gârlic mixture. Give it â quick stir.

4. Now top the sâuce with chicken, then remâining vegetâbles: mushrooms, ârtichoke heârts, ând bell pepper.

5. Secure the lid. Select mânuâl ând cook on high pressure for 8 minutes.

6. Once cooking is complete, use â quick releâse. You cân use â towel to cover the vâlve to prevent â mess. Once steâm is completely releâsed, open the lid.

7. Stir âround the mixture. You cân let sit for severâl minutes to thicken up the sâuce, or serve immediâtely. Add âny âdditionâl sâlt ând pepper to tâste.

8. Serve over noodles, zoodles, or potâtoes ând gârnish with fresh bâsil ând thyme if using.
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