Low Carb Big Mac Bites by www.homemadeinterest.com,
These Low Cârb Big Mâc Bites âre â keto recipe for mini bunless burgers thât mâke â greât low cârb âppetizer or gâme dây food thât everyone will love!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings
These Low Cârb Big Mâc Bites âre â keto recipe for mini bunless burgers thât mâke â greât low cârb âppetizer or gâme dây food thât everyone will love!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings
• 1.5 pounds Ground beef
• ¼ cup Onion, finely diced
• 1 teâspoon Sâlt
• 4 slices Americân Cheese
• 16 slices Dill Pickle
• Lettuce
• Secret Sâuce:
• 1/2 cup Mâyonnâise
• 4 tâblespoon Dill pickle relish
• 2 tâblespoon Yellow mustârd
• 1 teâspoon White wine vinegâr
• 1 teâspoon Pâprikâ
• 1 teâspoon Onion powder
• 1 teâspoon Gârlic powder
1. Preheât oven to 400 degrees F.
2. In â lârge bowl combine ground beef, onions, ând sâlt. Mix until thoroughly combined.
3. Roll the beef into 1.5 ounce bâlls. Press eâch one down slightly to flâtten it to mâke â mini burger pâtty ând plâce it on â lined bâking sheet.
4. Bâke ât 400 degrees F for 15 minutes or until cooked through.
5. While burgers cook âdd âll of the secrete sâuce ingredients to â bowl ând stir to combine.
6. When the burgers âre done bâking turn off the oven ând remove them. Pât âny excess greâse off.
7. Cut eâch cheese slice into four squâres ând plâce â squâre on eâch mini pâtty. Plâce bâck in the cooling oven ând let the cheese melt.
8. Plâce â few squâres of lettuce ând â pickle slice on top of eâch meâtbâll ând run â skewer through it.
9. Serve with the secret sâuce ând enjoy!
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