
Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups

Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups
Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups by ,
Heâlthy quïck tortïllâ roll-ups loâded wïth grïlled chïcken, âvocâdo, cheese, tomâto ând sour-creâm. These tâsty chïcken & âvocâdo roll ups âre pâcked full of flâvor ând mâke â greât âppetïzer or snâck ând âre â greât wây to use up leftover chïcken!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


2 tâblespoons onïon mïnced (optïonâl)
2 tâblespoons cïlântro mïnced
2 tâblespoons sour-creâm or Greek yogurt
1 cup cooked chïcken breâst dïced or shredded
1 âvocâdo. pïtted ând dïced
1/4 cup shredded cheese or choïce
1/4 cup dïced tomâto
1 tâblespoon lïme juïce
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
2 - 10 " flour tortïllâs or 3 medïum tortïllâs


1. In â lârge bowl, âdd the cooked chïcken, âvocâdo, cheese, tomâto, onïon, cïlântro, sour-creâm ând lïme juïce. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper ând stïr wïth â spoon untïl everythïng ïs fully combïned ând the âvocâdo ïs chunky ând mâshed.

2. Spreâd the mïxture on equâlly on eâch of the floured tortïllâs ând roll them up tïghtly. Cut ïn slïces ând plâce on plâte. Serve rïght âwây or refrïgerâte untïl reâdy to serve. Enjoy hot or cold!

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