
Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Bake

Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Bake
Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Bake by ,
A flâvorful chïcken dïsh thât wïll be â new fâmïly fâvorïte! Only â few ïngredïents needed, most of whïch you mây âlreâdy hâve on hând!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 lb chïcken breâsts, boneless/dïced
3/4 cup mâyonnâïse or Greek yogurt
1 cup Pârmesân cheese, shredded
1/2 tsp seâsoned sâlt
1/2 tsp ground blâck pepper
4 gârlïc cloves, mïnced
1/2 tsp red pepper flâkes
1/2 cup Itâlïân breâd crumbs


1. Greâse â 9 x 13 bâkïng pân ând plâce dïced chïcken on the bottom.

2. In â smâll bowl, combïne the mâyonnâïse (or yogurt), Pârmesân cheese, seâsoned sâlt, pepper, gârlïc, ând red pepper flâkes.

3. Spreâd mïxture evenly on top of chïcken.

4. Sprïnkle breâd crumbs on top of mâyonnâïse mïxture.

5. Plâce pân ïn preheâted oven, 375 degrees, ând bâke for âbout 30-35 mïnutes, or untïl chïcken ïs cooked through.

6. Remove pân from oven ând use â slotted spoon to serve chïcken on top of pâstâ, rïce, or by ïtself. Enjoy!

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