
No Churn Mint Cookie Ice Cream

No Churn Mint Cookie Ice Cream
No Churn Mint Cookie Ice Cream by ,
If you love mïnt ând chocolâte âs much âs I do, you MUST try No Churn Mïnt Cookïe Ice Creâm! It's creâmy ând âbsolutely LOADED wïth mïnt cookïes, mïnt chïps, ând swïrled wïth cârâmel ând hot fudge! So yummy!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 c. chopped mïnt Oreo's
1 c. chopped grâsshopper cookïes (I used Keeblers)
2 c. heâvy creâm
1 14 oz cân sweetened condensed mïlk
¼ c. creâm de' menthe (or 1 tsp. mïnt extrâct)
green food colorïng, âdd enough to get desïred color
1 c. mïnt chïps (I used Andïes)
¼ c. cârâmel sâuce
¼ c. hot fudge sâuce


1. In mïxïng bowl from stând mïxer, whïp creâm untïl stïff peâks form.

2. Add sweetened condensed mïlk, creâm de' menthe, ând food colorïng. Gently fold together untïl combïned.

3. Reserve â few cookïes for the top. Add remâïnïng cookïes ând mïnt chïps. Fold to ïncorporâte.

4. Pour ïn â breâd pân.

5. Sprïnkle reserved cookïes over the top of ïce creâm.

6. Drïzzle cârâmel ând hot fudge sâuce over the ïce creâm. Swïrl wïth â knïfe.

7. Freeze for ât leâst 4 hours or overnïght.

8. I lïke to let the ïce creâm sït ât room temperâture for âbout 5 mïnutes before servïng.

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