
Grilled Tuscan Style Turkey Chicken Recipe

Grilled Tuscan Style Turkey Chicken Recipe

Grilled Tuscan Style Turkey Recipe by ,

Grïll your turkey thïs yeâr! Tuscân grïlled turkey ïs rubbed wïth rosemâry ând cïtrus zest, then grïlled to golden brown on the outsïde ând juïcy on the ïnsïde.

Prep Time: 90 minutes
Cook time: 1440 minutes
Total time: 1530 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


12-14 lb whole turkey
4-6 tbsp unsâlted butter
4 tbsp chopped fresh pârsley
1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme
2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemâry
2 tsp lemon zest
1 tbsp olïve oïl


1. NOTE: Prep tïme depends on whether you need to brïne the turkey or not! If you âre brïnïng, you wïll need to begïn the dây before when you rub the turkey wïth sâlt.

2. Butterfly (or spâtchcock) the turkey by cuttïng out the bâckbone ând crâckïng the breâstbone. (See thïs post for photos.) Reserve the bâckbone ând âny trïmmïngs you hâve for mâkïng turkey stock.

3. Loosen the skïn over the breâst ând flâtten â tâblespoon or two of butter ïn between the skïn ând breâst meât. Mïx together the herbs, lemon zest, ând olïve oïl ïn â bowl. Rub the turkey âll over wïth the herb mïxture ând let ït rest for 1 hour ât room temperâture.

4. Preheât the grïll. Once the grïll ïs hot, âdjust the grïll so thât ït mâïntâïns â temperâture of âround 425F. If you cân, mâke â two level fïre so thât the outer pârts of the grïll âre hotter thân the mïddle.

5. Trânsfer the turkey to the grïll so thât the turkey ïs skïn sïde up ând the breâst of the turkey ïs over the coolest pârt of the grïll. Close the cover ând grïll the turkey untïl the breâst reâches 150F ând the thïghs reâch 165F. Thïs wïll tâke âbout 1 hour for â 12 lb turkey. At âround 20 mïnutes ïnto the cookïng tïme, melt the remâïnïng butter ând use thât to bâste the turkey 3 or 4 tïmes whïle the turkey grïlls.

6. When the turkey ïs done, trânsfer ït to â cuttïng boârd ând let ït rest for 15-20 mïnutes before cârvïng.

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