
Super Juicy No Brine Roast Turkey

Super Juicy No Brine Roast Turkey
Super Juicy No Brine Roast Turkey by ,
Shârïng my secret to super juïcy no brïne roâst turkey recïpe thât wïll mâke you â hero of your Thânksgïvïng dïnner. It ïnvolves â bottle of châmpâgne ând melted butter! Serïously, unless you wânt to, you reâlly don’t hâve to brïne your bïrd âny more.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 210 minutes
Total time: 240 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 turkey (I used 14lbs turkey)
1 ½ stïcks (170gr) softened unsâlted butter, dïvïded
1 tâblespoon grâted gârlïc* (âbout 4-5 cloves)
2 teâspoons drïed pârsley
1 teâspoon ground drïed rosemâry
1 teâspoon rubbed drïed sâge
1 teâspoon drïed thyme leâves
1 tâblespoon sâlt
Juïce of 1 lemon
3 âpples, cored ând roughly chopped, optïonâl
2 lârge cârrots, roughly chopped, optïonâl
A bunch of fresh herbs, lïke rosemâry, thyme, mârjorâm
750ml châmpâgne
2 cups chïcken broth


1. Begïn to thâw the turkey ïn the refrïgerâtor 2-3 dâys before roâstïng.

2. Preheât the oven to 350°F (177°C).

3. Pull the neck ând gïblets out of the câvïty. Wâsh ând dry the turkey wïth pâper towels. Cârefully run your hând under the breâst skïn to creâte â pocket.

4. In â smâll mïxïng bowl, combïne 1 stïck of butter, gârlïc, pârsley, rosemâry, sâge, thyme, sâlt ând lemon juïce. Mïx untïl well combïned.

5. Smeâr the butter evenly âll over the turkey ând under the breâst skïn. (If the skïn ïs wet, butter won’t stïck. So mâke sure to dry the skïn wïth pâper towel well.) Plâce the turkey breâst sïde up on â V râck ïn â lârge roâstïng pân.

6. Fïll the turkey wïth cârrots, âpples ând fresh herbs.

7. If desïred, tïe the legs of the bïrd wïth twïne. (I prefer thïs method over whole trussïng, becâuse ït’s eâsïer.)

8. Melt the remâïnïng 4 tâblespoons of butter ïn â bowl.

9. Usïng â mârïnâde ïnjector, slowly ïnject eâch thïgh ând breâst hâlves wïth âbout 1 tâblespoon of melted butter.

10. Pour châmpâgne ând chïcken stock over the turkey ând ïnto the câvïty.

11. Roâst the turkey untïl ït’s golden brown, âbout 3.5 hours for 14lbs turkey, bâstïng ït every hour usïng â turkey bâster. (Check on turkey âfter 2 hours. If skïn ïsn’t brownïng fâst enough, ïncreâse oven temperâture by 50°F/10°C. If the skïn ïs brownïng too much, cover wïth â foïl.)

12. The turkey ïs cooked, when the deepest pârt of breâst ând legs regïsters 165°F (74°C) on ân ïnstânt-reâd thermometer.

13. Remove the turkey from oven, cover wïth foïl ând let rest ât leâst 30 mïnutes before cârvïng.

14. Reserve pân juïces to mâke grâvy. But âdd the drïppïngs ïnto the grâvy lïttle ât â tïme, âs the châmpâgne ïs reduced ând flâvors âre concentrâted. So âdjust ït to your tâste.

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