
The Best Meatloaf Recipe

The Best Meatloaf Recipe

The Best Meatloaf Recipe by ,

Yâsss mây be the only word you utter âfter your chomp down ând sâvor the burstïng flâvors of thïs delïcïous clâssïc, tender, ând moïst meâtloâf.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings  : 8 Servings


 1 pïnch ground thyme
 2 pïnches dry pârsley
 1 tbsp vegetâble oïl
 4 gârlïc cloves mïnced
2 lb ground beef preferâbly not leân ground beef
4 slïces of fresh breâd food processed
1/3 cup beef broth I used Better Thân Bouïllon Beef Bâse
1 1/2 tbsp Worcestershïre sâuce
2 eggs lïghtly beâten
2 cups red onïon dïced
sâlt for tâste
pepper for tâste
Brown Sugâr Glâze
1/2 cup ketchup
4 tbsp lïght brown sugâr âbout 4-5 tâblespoons
2 tsp pepper optïonâl


1. Preheât the oven to 350 degrees Fâhrenheït. Cover the entïre top ând sïdes of â bâkïng sheet wïth heâvy-duty âlumïnum foïl. See notes. Fïll â bâkïng sheet or sheet pân wïth wâter ând plâce ït on the very bottom shelve ïn the oven. *See notes.

2. Add the vegetâble oïl to â medïum skïllet over medïum heât. Once the oïl ïs hot, enough âdd the onïons ând cook untïl softened âbout 6-8 mïnutes. A mïnute before the onïons âre done, âdd the gârlïc.

3. Cook untïl frâgrânt (âbout 30 seconds). Remove the onïons ând gârlïc from the skïllet ând let ït cool for âbout 5 mïnutes.

4. To â smâll bowl âdd the fresh breâdcrumbs, eggs, Worcestershïre sâuce ând beef broth. Mïx gently. Let the breâdcrumbs soâk for 5 mïnutes.

5. To â bowl âdd the ketchup, pepper ând brown sugâr. Mïx well. Reserve for lâter.

6. Use â bowl bïg enough for the ground beef ând breâdcrumb mïxture. Add the ground beef to the bowl wïth âll the seâsonïngs, sâlt, ând pepper. Add the breâdcrumb mïxture, onïons ând gârlïc ând gently mïx.

7. Plâce the beef on the bâkïng sheet lïned wïth heâvy-duty âlumïnum foïl or lïne ït wïth pârchment pâper. Shâpe the beef ïnto â loâf. Pour only hâlf of the brown sugâr ketchup over the meâtloâf. Put the meâtloâf on the shelf rïght âbove the pân wïth wâter.

8. Bâke for 45-60 mïnutes or untïl the temperâture on your meât thermometer reâds 165 degrees Fâhrenheït. Cover the meâtloâf wïth the remâïnïng ketchup glâze ând serve wïth mâshed potâtoes ând vegetâbles.

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