Pineapple BBQ Tofu Meal Prep Healthy Recipe by sweetpeasandsaffron,
Pïneâpple BBQ Tofu Bowls âre â vegân meâl prep optïon thât you cân cook on the grïll! Sweet, tângy, ând â heâlthy lunch to stock up your frïdge.
Prep Time: 50 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 3/4 cup uncooked quïnoâ
• 1 tâblespoon olïve oïl
• 1 zucchïnï chopped
• 1 red onïon chopped
• 2 bell peppers chopped
• sâlt & pepper
• 12 oz extrâ fïrm tofu
• 1/2 cup bârbecue sâuce (plus extrâ to drïzzle)
• 8 pïneâpple rïngs
1. Prepâre the tofu
2. Remove tofu from pâckâge, drâïnïng extrâ lïquïd. Sândwïch the tofu between two pâper towels on â plâte. Top wïth â second plâte ând plâce â heâvy object, such âs â 28 oz cân, on top. Press for ât leâst 30 mïnutes to remove extrâ lïquïd.
3. When the tïme ïs up, dïscârd the pâper towels ând cut the tofu ïnto 3/4 x 3 ïnch stïcks.
4. Cookïng ïngredïents
5. Cook quïnoâ âccordïng to pâckâge dïrectïons.
6. Whïle quïnoâ ïs cookïng, heât grïll over medïum-hïgh heât.
7. Toss vegetâbles ïn olïve oïl, seâson wïth sâlt & pepper, then grïll usïng â grïll plâte for 8-10 mïnutes, turnïng/stïrrïng occâsïonâlly.
8. Grïll pïneâpple rïngs for 2-3 mïnutes per sïde.
9. Before grïllïng the tofu, be sure to greâse the grïll wïth â bït of oïl (you cân brush ït on or cârefully sprây some oïl on from â dïstânce- flâmes wïll flâre up)
10. Grïll the tofu stïcks for 3-4 mïnutes per sïde, brushïng wïth bârbecue sâuce severâl tïmes whïle cookïng.
11. Assembly & Storâge
12. Dïvïde âll ïngredïents between storâge contâïners. Drïzzle wïth 1 tâblespoon extrâ BBQ sâuce.
13. Cool then store ïn the frïdge for up to 4 dâys.
14. To serve
15. Re-heât untïl steâmïng hot. Enjoy!
Read More this full recipes at Pineapple BBQ Tofu Meal Prep Healthy Recipe
Pïneâpple BBQ Tofu Bowls âre â vegân meâl prep optïon thât you cân cook on the grïll! Sweet, tângy, ând â heâlthy lunch to stock up your frïdge.
Prep Time: 50 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 3/4 cup uncooked quïnoâ
• 1 tâblespoon olïve oïl
• 1 zucchïnï chopped
• 1 red onïon chopped
• 2 bell peppers chopped
• sâlt & pepper
• 12 oz extrâ fïrm tofu
• 1/2 cup bârbecue sâuce (plus extrâ to drïzzle)
• 8 pïneâpple rïngs
1. Prepâre the tofu
2. Remove tofu from pâckâge, drâïnïng extrâ lïquïd. Sândwïch the tofu between two pâper towels on â plâte. Top wïth â second plâte ând plâce â heâvy object, such âs â 28 oz cân, on top. Press for ât leâst 30 mïnutes to remove extrâ lïquïd.
3. When the tïme ïs up, dïscârd the pâper towels ând cut the tofu ïnto 3/4 x 3 ïnch stïcks.
4. Cookïng ïngredïents
5. Cook quïnoâ âccordïng to pâckâge dïrectïons.
6. Whïle quïnoâ ïs cookïng, heât grïll over medïum-hïgh heât.
7. Toss vegetâbles ïn olïve oïl, seâson wïth sâlt & pepper, then grïll usïng â grïll plâte for 8-10 mïnutes, turnïng/stïrrïng occâsïonâlly.
8. Grïll pïneâpple rïngs for 2-3 mïnutes per sïde.
9. Before grïllïng the tofu, be sure to greâse the grïll wïth â bït of oïl (you cân brush ït on or cârefully sprây some oïl on from â dïstânce- flâmes wïll flâre up)
10. Grïll the tofu stïcks for 3-4 mïnutes per sïde, brushïng wïth bârbecue sâuce severâl tïmes whïle cookïng.
11. Assembly & Storâge
12. Dïvïde âll ïngredïents between storâge contâïners. Drïzzle wïth 1 tâblespoon extrâ BBQ sâuce.
13. Cool then store ïn the frïdge for up to 4 dâys.
14. To serve
15. Re-heât untïl steâmïng hot. Enjoy!
Read More this full recipes at Pineapple BBQ Tofu Meal Prep Healthy Recipe
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