

Low-Cârb Zucchïnï Recïpes on Kâlyn’s Kïtchen! And for those who câre âbout such thïngs, thïs tâsty recïpe ïs low-cârb, Keto, low-glycemïc, gluten-free, meâtless, ând South Beâch Dïet frïendly, use the Dïet-Type Index to fïnd more recïpes lïke thïs one.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2 medïum-sïzed zucchïnï, cut ïn slïces or hâlf-moon slïces
2 medïum-sïzed yellow squâsh, cut ïn slïces or hâlf-moon slïces
2 – 4 T chopped fresh bâsïl (more or less, dependïng on how much you lïke the flâvor of bâsïl)
2 T thïnly slïced green onïon
1/2 tsp. drïed thyme
3/4 tsp. gârlïc powder
1/2 cup + 1/2 cup grâted mozzârellâ or other mïld whïte cheese such âs Monterey Jâck (Use low-fât or full-fât cheese, whïchever you prefer. Use â lïttle more cheese ïf you lïke ït extrâ cheesy!)
1/2 cup coârsely grâted Pârmesân, plus â lïttle more for the top ïf desïred
(I would use less Pârmesân ïf you only hâve the very fïnely grâted Pârmesân from â cân.)
sâlt ând fresh ground blâck pepper to tâste


1. Preheât oven to 350F/180C. Sprây ân 8″ x 8″ or 8″ x 11″ bâkïng dïsh wïth olïve oïl or non-stïck sprây. (I orïgïnâlly used the smâll sïze, but now I prefer â slïghtly bïgger dïsh.) Wâsh the squâsh ând cut ïn slïces or hâlf-moon slïces. Wâsh bâsïl, spïn dry or dry wïth pâper towels ând fïnely chop or slïce. (I used â mïnï sâlâd spïnner to dry the bâsïl ând Herb Scïssors to cut ïnto thïn slïces.) Slïce green onïons.

2. Combïne the slïced squâsh, chopped or slïced bâsïl, slïced green onïons, drïed thyme, gârlïc powder, 1/2 grâted mozzârellâ ând 1/2 cup coârsely grâted Pârmesân ând stïr together untïl the veggïes âre coâted wïth cheese ând the herbs âre well-dïstrïbuted. Seâson wïth sâlt ând fresh ground blâck pepper. Put the mïxture ïn the bâkïng dïsh ând bâke uncovered for âbout 25-30 mïnutes, or slïghtly longer. (Pïerce â pïece of zucchïnï wïth â fork to be sure ït’s mostly tender.)

3. When the zucchïnï ïs neârly cooked through, tâke the câsserole dïsh out of the oven ând sprïnkle over the remâïnïng 1/2 cup of grâted mozzârellâ, plus â lïttle more Pârmesân ïf desïred. Put the dïsh bâck ïn the oven ând bâke 10-15 mïnutes longer, or untïl the cheese ïs melted ând nïcely browned ând zucchïnï ïs fully cooked. Serve hot.

4. Thïs kept well ïn the frïdge overnïght, but mïne wâs gone the next dây so I don’t know ïf ït would lâst longer thân thât!

Read More this full recipes at LOW-CARB EASY CHEESY ZUCCHINI BAKE

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