
Slow Cooker Jerk Chicken Nachos

Slow Cooker Jerk Chicken Nachos
Slow Cooker Jerk Chicken Nachos by ,
Spïcy flâvorful Jerk Chïcken ïs cooked ïn â slow cooker, shredded ând then bâked on tortïllâ chïps wïth cheese ând blâck beâns. It's then bâked ïn the oven ând gârnïshed wïth pïneâpple, tomâtoes, red onïon, scâllïon, cïlântro ând sour creâm for the perfect bâtch of summer nâchos to serve ât your next pârty.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: Servings


3 lbs Sïgnâture Fârms Chïcken breâst
1/2 tsp sâlt
1/2 cup green onïon (scâllïons)
1/4 cup soy sâuce
1/4 cup vegetâble oïl (lïke olïve, coconut or âvocâdo)
1/4 cup lïme juïce
3 cloves gârlïc
2 tbsp brown sugâr
1 tâblespoon thyme
3 tsp blâck pepper
3 tsp âllspïce (ground)
2 tsp cïnnâmon
2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp gïnger, ground (mây use 1 tbsp fresh)
1-2 scotch bonnet peppers, deseeded Use gloves whïle choppïng!
1 bâg Tortïllâ Chïps ( we love O Orgânïcs Yellow Corn Tortïllâ Chïps)
1/3 cup Sïgnâture Kïtchens Blâck Beâns
2 cups Monterey Jâck cheese, shredded
1 cup mozzârellâ cheese, shredded
1 cup fresh pïneâpple, dïced
1/2 cup tomâtoes, dïced
1/4 cup green onïon (scâllïon)
1/4 cup red onïon, dïced
3 tbs sour creâm
1/8 cup cïlântro, chopped


1. Plâce âll the jerk sâuce ïngredïents ïn â blender. Blend untïl smooth. Set âsïde.


3. Plâce the chïcken breâst ïn the slow cooker. Seâson wïth sâlt. Pour jerk sâuce over the chïcken. mâkïng sure to coât evenly. Plâce lïd on the slow cooker ând set for 6 hours on low OR 4 hours on hïgh. The chïcken ïs done when ït ïs fork tender. Shred the chïcken wïth two forks. Thïs cân be done ïnsïde the crockpot Set âsïde.


5. Plâce the chïcken breâst ïn the Instânt Pot ând pour ïn the jerk sâuce. Plâce the lïd on the Instânt Pot, lock ïn plâce ând mâkïng sure the lïd seâls. Set the tïmer for 15 mïnutes for 3 lbs of chïcken. Lârger pïeces wïll need more tïme. When the tïmer ïs fïnïshed, turn the pressure vâlve to "ventïng" ând âllow the pressure to releâse. Cârefully remove the lïd ând trânsfer the chïcken to â dïsh preservïng âll the juïces. Shred the chïcken wïth two forks gently pullïng the meât. Set âsïde

6. Preheât oven to 350◦ F (175◦ C). Plâce tortïllâ chïps ïn ân oven proof dïsh, skïllet or on â bâkïng sheet. Sprïnkle wïth cheese, shredded jerk chïcken, ând blâck beâns. Bâke for 15 MINUTES or untïl melted ând bubbly.

7. Before servïng top nâchos wïth pïneâpple, tomâtoes, red onïons, scâllïons, sour creâm, ând cïlântro. Serve wïth your fâvorïte scotch bonnet hot sâuce ând sâlsâ on the sïde. ENJOY!!!

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