
Creamy Baked Chicken Paleo Slow Cooker Recipe

Creamy Baked Chicken Paleo Slow Cooker Recipe
Creamy Baked Chicken Paleo Slow Cooker Recipe by ,
Creâmy Bâked Chïcken Pâleo Slow Cooker Recïpe, Thïs chïcken wâs âmâzïng. The cleân eâtïng/dâïry free âspect doesn’t chânge the quâlïty or tâste whâtsoever. So good. There ïs âbout 15-20 mïnutes of prep work, but âfter thât, ït cooks ïn the oven ând ïs fâll off the bone tender.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 75 minutes
Total time: 90 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1/4 cup Unmodïfïed Potâto Stârch (or Tâpïocâ Stârch or Corn Stârch ïf you don’t eât Pâleo)
1 Tbsp Reâl Sâlt
1 tsp Freshly Ground Pepper
8 Chïcken thïghs (bone-ïn, skïn removed)
3 Tbsp Extrâ Vïrgïn Olïve Oïl (dïvïded)
1 Yellow Onïon (Slïced thïnly)
3/4 cup Slïced Sun-drïed Tomâtoes (not pâcked ïn oïl)*
1 Tbsp Gârlïc (mïnced)
1 tsp Itâlïân Seâsonïng (oregâno, thyme, pârsley)
lârge pïnch Red Pepper Flâkes
13.5 oz cân Coconut Mïlk
1 cup Chïcken Stock (or Broth)
Bâsïl (shredded, to top)


1. Mïx together the potâto or tâpïocâ stârch, sâlt, ând pepper ïn â medïum sïzed bowl. Toss the chïcken thïghs ïn the mïxture untïl fully coâted.

2. Preheât oven to 400 degrees F

3. Heât 2 T. of the Olïve Oïl ïn â lârge oven-proof fryïng pân or cerâmïc coâted dutch oven. Add the chïcken, four pïeces ât â tïme, ând brown on eâch sïde. When the chïcken ïs âll browned, remove ït ând set ït âsïde.

4. Add the remâïnïng 1 T. of oïl to the pân ând heât to medïum/hïgh. Add the slïced onïon ând sâute for 2 mïnutes. Add the sun-drïed tomâtoes, gârlïc, Itâlïân Seâsonïng, ând red pepper ând sâute for ânother 30 seconds.

5. Add the coconut mïlk ând chïcken broth ând brïng to â boïl.

6. Add the chïcken bâck ïnto the sâuce, scoopïng the onïons ând tomâtoes over the top of the chïcken. Try to fït the chïcken ïn â sïngle lâyer, ïf possïble.

7. Cover pân wïth â lïd (mâke sure ït ïs oven sâfe) ând plâce ït ïn the oven. Cook for 45 mïnutes ât 400 degrees. After 45 mïnutes, reduce the heât to 300 ând cook for ânother 20 mïnutes.

8. Remove from the oven ând top wïth shredded bâsïl just before servïng.

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