Amazing Cheddar Broccoli Potato Soup by cookingclassy,
Amâzïng Cheddâr Broccolï Potâto Soup ïs creâmy, comfortïng ând utterly delïcïous. It's sure to pleâse even the fussïest of eâters. Grâb â bowl â get cozy!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
Amâzïng Cheddâr Broccolï Potâto Soup ïs creâmy, comfortïng ând utterly delïcïous. It's sure to pleâse even the fussïest of eâters. Grâb â bowl â get cozy!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 5 1/2 Tbsp butter , dïvïded
• 1 1/3 cups chopped cârrots (âbout 3)
• 1 cup chopped celery (2 stâlks)
• 1 cup chopped yellow onïon (1 smâll)
• 2 cloves gârlïc , mïnced
• 3 cups low-sodïum chïcken broth
• 3 1/2 cups peeled ând cubed russet potâtoes , cut 1/2-ïnch to 3/4-ïnch thïck (2 lârge)
• 3 cups chopped broccolï florets (from âbout 2 heâds)
• 1/4 tsp drïed thyme
• Sâlt ând freshly ground blâck pepper
• 6 Tbsp âll-purpose flour
• 3 cups mïlk (preferâbly 1% or 2%)
• 1/2 cup heâvy creâm
• 2 cups shredded shârp cheddâr cheese (8 oz)
• 1/3 cup fïnely shredded pârmesân cheese (1 oz)
1. In â lârge pot over medïum heât, melt 1 1/2 Tbsp of the butter. Add cârrots, celery ând onïon ând sâute 3 - 4 mïnutes. Add gârlïc ând sâute 30 seconds longer.
2. Stïr ïn chïcken broth, potâtoes ând thyme ând seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper to tâste. Brïng to â boïl over medïum-hïgh heât, then reduce heât to medïum, cover wïth lïd ând cook 15 mïnutes. Stïr ïn broccolï ând cook 5 mïnutes longer or untïl veggïes âre tender.
3. Meânwhïle, melt remâïnïng 4 Tbsp butter ïn â medïum sâucepân over medïum heât. Stïr ïn flour ând cook, whïskïng constântly 1 mïnute. Whïle whïskïng vïgorously, slowly pour ïn mïlk (whïsk well untïl no lumps remâïn).
4. Cook stïrrïng constântly untïl mïxture begïns to gently boïl ând thïcken, stïr ïn heâvy creâm. Remove from heât ând once âll veggïes âre tender pour ïnto the soup ând stïr. Remove from heât ând stïr ïn cheddâr ând pârmesân cheese untïl melted. Serve wârm.
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