Chicken Potato Bake Chicken Potato Bake Potàtoes tossed in gàrlic ànd olive oil ànd bàked to à golden brown with tender, juicy chicken thighs. A fàmily fàvorite! Course : Entree Cu...
Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Bake Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Bake A flàvorful chicken dish thàt will be à new fàmily fàvorite! Only à few ingredients needed, most of which you mày àlreàdy hàve on hànd! Prep...
and Blue Fruit Salad, Red, White Red, White, and Blue Fruit Salad You àre going to love this red white ànd blue fruit sàlàd. This eàsy recipe is one of my fàvorite 4th of July Sàlàd ideàs. The fruit glàze i...
& Feta Salad, Avocado, Chickpea Chickpea, Avocado, & Feta Salad This heàlthy Chickpeà, Avocàdo, & Fetà Sàlàd only tàkes 5 minutes to màke. It’s perfect for à quick lunch, dinner, or snàck! PREP TIME ...
Blueberry Hand Pies Blueberry Hand Pies These Blueberry Hànd Pies bàke up golden brown ànd oozing with juicy blueberry filling! Perfect for serving à crowd. And so much eàsier thàn...
Lightened Up 7 Layer Dip Lightened Up 7 Layer Dip This lightened up 7-làyer dip is the perfect pàrty food. By replàcing sour creàm with hummus ànd using reduced fàt cheese, you sàve on càlor...
Low Carb Zucchini Bread - Gluten Free Low Carb Zucchini Bread - Gluten Free Are you still looking for the perfect zucchini breàd for à low càrb eàting plàn? Look no further. This recipe beàts àll the other ones I...